Foreign Students


Tutor system

New international students can be supported by tutor who will help you in your daily life.

Guidance and advice for study and daily life of international students

We have established support system for International Students who study at Saga University to give them some advice and support for solution when they have some troubles in their study or daily life.

Japanese Language Course for International Students

Saga University offers unique Japanese Language Course to meet the diverse needs of International Student. There are five levels from beginning to advanced, so you can take classes of your suitable level.

Moving into a private apartment


Job Hunting


Change of status at Saga University

  1. Promotion
    If you would like to study in degree seeking course at Saga University, you need to apply for entrance examination. Please check the detail on the website of Admission Center, Saga University.

Website of Admission Center  

If you would like to enter Saga University as research student, please go forward with the admission procedure. For more detail, please refer to the following link.

Admission guide for research student (only in Japanese) 
※Research students can conduct their research activities for more than 2 months up to 1 year. If you would like research period for more than 1 year, you need to extend the period.

  1. Leave of absence, return to school and withdrawal
    In case of leave of absence, extension of period of leave of absence, return to school or withdrawal, please proceed with the prescribed procedure. For more detail, please contact Academic Affairs Division.
    ※If you decide to go to higher school in the middle of current course, please proceed with withdrawal procedure.
    (Ex.)You were going to study as research student for a year, but at the middle of the period, you enter graduate school.