Join Us for INTERNATIONAL WEEK 2022 “A Week of International Exchange and Intercultural Understanding “
We are excited to announce that we will have “International Week 2022” in July!
International Week is a week of international exchange and intercultural understanding.
Throughout the week, Global Supporters and the Center for Promotion of International Exchange will offer you international exchange events.
At each event, you can have fun, meet new friends, expand your international knowledge!!
All events are free of charge. Join the event and make your summer memory!
Period:July 11th (Mon) ~ July 15th (Fri)
Participants:Saga University Student
Registration:You can apply HERE for each event(Pre-registration is required to join the event.)*Participation will be accepted in order of application.
☆彡Events of International Week2022☆彡
July 11th (Mon) 12:10~12:50 Meetup at Saga Uni. (Global Supporters)
July 12th (Tue) 18:00~20:00 Intercultural Workshop (Global Supporters)
July 13th (Wed) 17:00~18:30 特別講演「『使える英語』の身につけ方」(講師:芝浦工業大学附属中学高等学校 英語科教諭 渡邊 考氏)(Available only in Japanese)
July 14th (Thu) 18:00~19:30 交換留学成果報告会 (Available only in Japanese)
July 15th (Fri) 18:00~20:00 Saga University Walk Rally (Global Supporters)
Check out the flyer for more details and application!!