【Second Call!】2022 Saga University International Exchange Support Program for Researchers

The second call for applications for the Saga University International Exchange Support Program for Researchers to support international academic exchange of Saga University researchers is now open!

(click to view flyer)

International research gatherings based on face-to-face international exchange of researchers with a hybrid approach that also incorporates online methods will be supported.
(Projects conducted prior to the application are also eligible as long as they were held in the current fiscal year.) *Multiple applications are acceptable!
The deadline for the second call for applications is Monday, October 31.

Please see below for application guidelines and application documents. (Depending on your browser environment, you may not be able to download the application form.)

01-R4 Saga University Researcher Exchange Support Program

02-Application Guidelines


04-Form 3 List of Participants

05-Appendix FAQs of Open Recruitment Guideline

06-Screening Guidelines

07-International Exchange Support Program for Researchers


We look forward to your application!