International Exchange Associate
An international exchange associate is able to not only utilize your skill or experiences but also have a new experience working at a Japanese office and learn Japanese business culture and manner.
*Recruitment will be performed as needed.
Messages from the current associate
Zhou Jiannan
(China / Period of associate:2021,4 ~ current)
I began serving as an International Associate in April 2021 to ensure a fulfilling study abroad experience.
Currently, I am responsible for collecting information on new and graduating students and managing the residency status of international students.
I am able to utilize my previous experience in international exchange and language study to build up an even higher level of experience, and I am also able to work as an assistant in the international exchange office.
It is wonderful because I am doing a job that ensures I feel that I am contributing to international exchange in my own way.
Alvin Lean Jun Kou
(Malaysia / Period of associate: 2021, 10 ~ 2022,3)
I started working as an Associate in the International Office, as a part of internship back in October 2021.
My main work here was to help out the people in the International Office with doing some paper work which included some double checking and translation work. It was a job worth doing as I felt like I was able to give back to the University after so many years, utilizing my strength in language. My working days were Monday, Tuesday and Friday, but I was easy to work as I was able to adjust my working days according to my University or other important schedules. In the picture I’m wearing a suit, but it was a very causal environment to work in as most of the time I was wearing what I wanted to wear and was able to have some small chit chat between works with the other colleagues. During the end of the year, they even held a small Christmas party for everyone in the International Office and it was definitely good to be able to join in too. My time as an Associate was just a short 6 months, but it felt like a nice experience that prepared me to enter the Japanese society.