【Call for Participants】KASHIMA Field Trip 2022 〈Challenge Internship B(General Education Course-Comprehensive Subjects: Intensive Courses〉

Click here to see the flyer

The Kashima Field Trip Program, which was offered last year, will be offered again this year!

This year, students can earn credits for the program as part of “Challenge Internship B (Basic Liberal Arts – General Subject: Intensive Lecture)”.

Japanese and international students will actually stay in Kashima City and work together to create posters and videos to promote the attractions of Kashima City.

This program is perfect for those who are interested in creating videos, town revitalization, etc., and would like to try something new.

Registration:Register HERE(Deadline:September 30th)


☆Information Session will be held☆

Date:October 4th(Tue), 5th(Wed)

Place:General Edu. BLDG 2, Room 2202 or Zoom(Link for Zoom meeting is on the flyer

Language:Japanese and English

Check out The program promotion video for more details!