Regarding actions to take in face of COVID-19 infection spread

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan raised travel alert for entire world, escalating and requested non-essential travel due to the world wide pandemic. We would like to request the following to all the international students in Saga University.
You can anytime contact us when you are concerned and if you need to confirm something regarding this situation.

1. Refrain from going back to your home country and traveling to other countries
You might be restricted or might not be able to return to Japan by the polices of Japan and some of counties so please make sure to refrain from going back to your home country and travelling to other countries.
2. Stay at home for 2 weeks after entering Japan
Refrain from non-essential going out and do strict physical condition management at home for two weeks after entering Japan. Refrain from coming to Saga University.
3. Make sure to submit Report of temporary leave to my home country / outside Japan
The international students have to submit the Report of temporary leaving to International office. If you did not submit this document or the date you informed us was not the exactly matched your travel, you must let us know as soon as possible.
4. Get the latest information
The situation of the world regarding COVID-19 is changing rapidly. We would like you to get the lastest information and respond appropriately. Keep note our HP as we will update University schedule in 2020.

 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Overseas Safety
 Saga University HP
 Health Care Center HP
 Center for Promotion of International Exchange
HP in Japanese:
In English:
Phone: 0952-28-8389
Report of temporary leave to my home country/outside Japan