Caution regarding to COVID-19(New measures for border security enforcement)

To Students of Saga university,
From May l4, the following measures were decided by the Japanese government as new measures to strengthen border security control.
・The gorvenment of Japan added 13 countries more as countries and regions with denial of permission to land, in total 100 countries.
・Please refer to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Website below for information of designated areas of the entry ban.
・The gorveilment of Japan call upon all nations arriving from the all countries to wait 14 days at a location designated by the quarantine station chief and to refrain from public transportation.
・All nationals arriving from the countries and regions above within 14 days prior to their application for landing into Japan are subject to conducting of PCR tests for the time being.
Please refer to the following link for details on the above measures.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs